5 Minutes With! Dr. Robert Harrington
This month the Chair of Medscape’s 4th Annual Going Back to the Heart of Cardiology, Dr. Robert Harrington, joins us for a segment of 5 Minutes With, in which I spitfire some topics and questions to Dr. Harrington, who sounds off candidly in quick response. to share quick insights on various personal and professional topics that range from the ages of his youngest and oldest cardiac patient to the misunderstood fact about the heart. Read and enjoy! In our last issue, the faculty of Medscape’s Going Back to the Heart of Cardiology joined us to share insights on various current cardiology topics that range from best device in their clinical arsenal to the most critical new (or on the horizon) cardiology-related advance. If you missed it, click here!
Also check out this issue’s Pulse, with articles from the Journal of the American Heart Association, Circulation, European Heart Journal, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Cardiology News, and New England Journal of Medicine.
Housekeeping: CME 2023—Add this to your calendar now and sign up for updates:
Going Back to the Heart of Cardiology Conference (4th Annual)
Saturday-Monday December 8-10, 2023; Anaheim, California
To register, click here!
- Sessions 1-6: Cardiopulmonary Failure; Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis; and Cardiometabolic Disease; Electrical Failure; Valvular Disease: Special Topics in Cardiology
Thank you to Dr. Harrington for his time and expertise. Don’t forget to register here for Medscape’s 2023 Going Back to the Heart of Cardiology conference for the best 2023 CME opportunity available! Please contact me at colleen@cmhadvisors.com with any comments and/or suggestions! –Colleen Hutchinson
2 Minutes with… Dr. Robert Harrington
What I’ll miss most about Stanford: Friends and colleagues. Science culture. The weather!
Biggest challenge planning a conference this size and scope: Trying to be sure that topics are timely and in line with what clinicians want to learn/review. Lots of balancing.
Biggest reward planning a conference this size and scope: When a lot of Q and A is taking place, you know that you have a good topic and great faculty members.
Impact of AI on cardiac care now and later: AI will be a helpful tool in the clinician’s toolbox.
Best tool in your clinical arsenal: Education and conversation!
Any new faculty at this year’s HOC? Yes, we try to incorporate new faculty every year as topics change. It keeps the program fresh!
Does having a co-chair lighten the load significantly? Part of the fun in working on a conference like this is working with my friend and colleague, Fatima.
Advice to the med student who wants to be a cardiologist: Work hard, be curious, watch, listen, learn.
Best career advice you’ve ever received: Careers are not linear—pay attention to opportunity.
Favorite book: Too many to list. Always reading a fiction and non-fiction book.
Most important thing you’ve learned about clinical research: The best clinical researchers are excellent clinicians. The best questions come from clinical observations.
Best career advice you’ve ever received: Careers are not linear; pay attention to opportunity.
The Pulse
Cardiology News: Survival similar with hearts donated after circulatory or brain death
NEJM Clinical Decisions: Participation of Children in American Football
Medical Intelligence Quiz: Fast Facts Friday: Life's Simple 7 & Heart Failure
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