MedscapeLIVE! Cardiology E-News: March 2024
What’s in our KOLs’ Arsenals, and What’s on the Cardiology Horizon
Welcome back to MedscapeLIVE! Cardiology E-News. This month Medscape faculty thought leaders candidly weigh in on the most critical new advance in cardiology medicine, best device/tool in one’s clinical arsenal, what these faculty have recently learned from other faculty/conference proceedings that they took back to practice and utilized, most promising new treatment on the horizon, and most controversial treatment option in cardiology medicine and how they feel about it. Our faculty this month include Dr. Javed Butler, Dr. Harold Dauerman, and Dr. Khadijah Breathett.
Coming together and sharing insights on cardiology research and practice has always been interesting for thought leaders to do here, and valuable for Medscape readers to read. Ask these KOLs to get candid on the interesting topics, and the result is an amazing collection of perspectives on advances that these clinicians—and you—can utilize to provide the best patient care. Read on to see what they think!
In our last issue, we spoke with one of the Session Chairs of Medscape’s 4th Annual Going Back to the Heart of Cardiology, Dr. Pamela B. Morris. Dr. Morris candidly shares perspectives and critical insights on both personal and professional topics, including some of the latest breakthroughs in cardiology, what’s in her clinical arsenal, best advice she’s received, and valuable tidbits from her chaired sessions at the HOC.
Going Back to the Heart of Cardiology | Information for the 5th Annual Going Back to the Heart of Cardiology is coming soon! Visit heartofcardio.com to sign up for updates on our next conference.
Check out some of the highlights from the 4th Annual Going Back to the Heart of Cardiology in Anaheim, CA!

Thank you to these doctors for sharing their time and expertise as faculty and in this interview. Please contact me at colleen@cmhadvisors.com with any comments and/or suggestions! –Colleen Hutchinson
The Best Advances, Most Valuable Treatment Options…
And the Best of What’s to Come!
What would you consider to be the most controversial treatment option in cardiology medicine and how do you feel about it?
Dr. Dauerman: Should LVAD support with Impella be used routinely and early for patients in cardiogenic shock? Answer: I don’t know. I am using it selectively based on clinical judgement given recent safety advisories, limited data, and no randomized trial evidence in support.
Dr. Butler: Percutaneous coronary interventions in patients with stable angina. Would favor maximizing antianginal medications and follow-up to select patients with interventions.
Dr. Breathett: There are many clinical questions about the best course of treatment for different clinical scenarios. I do not think there are many controversies in the treatment plan. A sometimes-difficult clinical question occurs with transplant: Deciding what to do about rising donor specific antibodies—The evidence is limited. Often, we will treat if this is present or lingers in the setting of addressing abnormal hemodynamics, graft dysfunction, or rejection.
Most critical new advance in your area of cardiology treatment:
Dr. Butler: The growing number of obesity treatment options.
Dr. Dauerman: Shockwave lithotripsy for coronary interventions: a simple, low-risk tool for calcium management in our increasingly elderly PCI population.
Dr. Breathett: Recognition of additional strategies to help patients receive appropriate guideline-directed medical therapy such as electronic medical record prompting, multi-disciplinary care, and usage of guideline recommendations to address social determinants of health.
What is the best device/tool in your clinical arsenal?
Dr. Dauerman: TAVR valves.
Dr. Butler: Electronic health record for population health management.
Dr. Breathett: Right heart catheterization to guide care of patients presenting with cardiogenic shock.
Most promising new treatment on the horizon:
Dr. Butler: CRISPR gene editing.
Dr. Dauerman: Artificial intelligence to determine coronary angiographic stenosis significance without further invasive techniques.
Dr. Breathett: Gene editing and individualized precision-based care when matched with treating social determinants of health.
What was something you have recently LEARNED from other faculty/conference proceedings that was practical for you to take back to practice and utilize?
Dr. Dauerman: The best treatment option for failed TAVR valves is still being defined, but we are going to need to have a plan for treatment today.
Dr. Butler: Multiple growing numbers of options to prevent heart failure.
Dr. Breathett: A new calculator for assessing primary prevention risk of cardiovascular disease and heart failure that uses zip code as an approximation for social determinants of health—the PREVENT calculator.
Most reliable treatment in your clinical armamentarium?
Dr. Dauerman: Lipitor 80 mg a day.
Dr. Breathett: Guideline directed medical therapy: 1) angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor/ACE inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blocker; 2) beta blockers; 3) mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists; 4) sodium-glucose transport protein 2 inhibitors; 5) hydralazine/nitrates for Black patients after achieving goal dose of the other 4 medications).
Dr. Butler: Beta-blockers!
See What Your Colleagues Had to Say About Going Back to the Heart of Cardiology Conference:
“Top-notch presentations and up-to-date information!”
“It was extremely thorough and educational. I gained a lot of insight and appreciated seeing raw data and past data of research being done to improve patient care inclusively.”
“I really enjoyed the topics, great speakers and the concise format. It kept my attention the entire conference. I felt like I learned a lot in the short amount of time. I appreciated all the meals provided as well.”
2023 HOC Photo Recap

Conference Co-Chairs Dr. Robert Harrington and Dr. Fatima Rodriguez kick-off day one of the conference.

Interactive Q&A with faculty.
The Legends of Cardiology Immersive Experience unveiled crucial insights into the lives and groundbreaking work of the physicians who laid the foundation for modern cardiology.
Conference attendees stopped for photos at the welcome reception.

Conference faculty Dr. June-Wha Rhee and co-chair Dr. Fatima Rodriguez stopped by the conference photo corner.
The Pulse
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